Air Dispersion Modeling

Atmospheric Transport of Emissions

Air Dispersion models simulate the likely transport of emitted pollutants, then determine the concentrations of these pollutants at surrounding areas of interest. There are many models to choose depending on different release scenarios.  For regulatory application, steady state positively or neutrally buoyant releases are most common.  In this event USEPA's AERMOD is a most common option.  Other options for dense gas releases, offshore releases, or non steady state (puff) releases are available.

The fate and transport of regulated emissions is key to strategize process operations and opportunity.  AEMS president, David Waymire holds two Degrees in Atmospheric Science.  Don't settle for less.  Please contact AEMS for your dispersion modeling needs.

  • AB 2588
  • Air Permitting
  • Air Monitoring
  • Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis
  • CEQA
  • Accidental Releases
  • Odor Modeling
  • Internal Sensitivity Studies
  • Offshore Emissions Releases
  • Health Risk Assessment air dispersion modeling
