Health Risk Assessment

How do we determine health effects from our intake of Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC)s?

There are four general steps to perform health risk assessment (HRA). The first step is to identify the TACs emitted to atmosphere and the health effects associated with each.  The second step is to assess the exposure.  This involves determining the emissions, modeling the environmental transport, evaluating the environmental fate, identifying exposure roots and population, then the exposure levels.  The final  two steps are then dose-response assessment, then risk characterization.

There different tiers of conducting HRAs, ranging from screening to ultra refinement depending upon regulatory application and requirements.  These tiers may involve screening tables and modeling initially then evolve into refined dispersion and chemical exposure modeling if necessary.

AEMS has performed many HRAs for permitting, Proposition 65, and California's AB 2588 "Hot Spots," program including some of the largest HRA for the department of defense.  Please contact us for your HRA  needs.
