Annual Emissions Report

Annual Criteria Pollutant & Air Toxics Emissions Inventory

The South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD’s) Annual Emissions Reporting (AER) program was developed to track emissions of air contaminants from permitted facilities.  Fees for emissions of air contaminants are assessed based on this reported data.  Under this  program, those who emit more, pay more toward air pollution control efforts – and at the same time are given an incentive to reduce emissions.

The SCAQMD requires the filing of an Annual  Emissions Report and payment of annual fees based on a facility's emissions of air contaminants.  Facilities required to file an annual emissions report include the following:

  • Every facility that receives an Annual Emissions Reporting notification from SCAQMD, regardless of estimated annual emissions levels, even if no fees are due, to update the facility's emissions records.
  • Every facility that has estimated annual emissions of four (4) or more tons of sulfur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), specific organics (SPOG), particulate matter (PM), or emissions of 100 tons per year or more of carbon monoxide (CO).
  • Every facility subject to the AB2588 Program for reporting quadrennial updates to its toxics emissions inventory.

Contact AEMS for your annual emissions report professional consultant need(s).  Use an actual Meteorologist, to determine your lowest possible emissions to minimize annual fees and in some cases to develop internal documentation, then agency negotiations for program removal when your annual emissions can be calculated below reporting thresholds.

AEMS will provide you service of the highest quality for prices for below other consulting firms.
AEMS will provide you service of the highest quality for prices for below other consulting firms.